“Making friends and uniting communities one year at a time.”
Good day gamers,
Don’t want to take a lot of your time…but…we have to thank our friends, family, and our fellow volunteers that helped make our gaming events so amazing, fun, and successful! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! We couldn’t have done it without you!
2022 was great for us in regards to gaming…maybe not so much for other stuff…
Here are some highlights in no particular order and we apologize if we missed mentioning a few things:
- We did our first Minute-to-Win-It event at the Bethpage Library and it was so successful that we may be doing it again and again.
- We pulled off FATDOG coming out of the pandemic.
- Long Island Tabletop Gaming Expo was amazing teaching 600 people 200 games in one day.
- Our first time at Festival of Games was great.
- We launched a podcast.
- We ran a successful SyCon and Sayville Fan Fest.
- We ran games at both Legendary Realms and Cosmic Comics and Games.
- I had a great time volunteering at Long Island Retro Gaming Expo.
- We went on the JoCo Cruise.
- OctaCon came out of the pandemic and was successful.
- I played a ton of wargames on VASSAL with one of my friends.
- Our blog hits have been growing steadily.
- We produced two videos this year, Warstriders and Postal Rap.
- Attended Long Island Doctor Who Convention.
- We got a ton of new games, both purchased, gifted, and purchased.
- We helped demo a game at Pax Unplugged and that was our first time there.
- and lots more…
We are looking forward to 2023:
- Long Island Tabletop Gaming Expo will be awesome in March.
- Looking forward to more and more conventions and events in the New Year.
- Hoping to be more comfortable attending events if the number of Coronavirus cases continues to decline
- Hoping that DexCon, Dreamation, and Metatopia return.
- Looking forward to Doctor Who and Star Trek Conventions this year.
- Hoping The Game Map by our friend continues to grow.
- and lots more… we are filled with ideas and projects…hoping that more come to fruition.
See you in the new year!
Come and say hello and tell us what you have been playing.
Happy New Year!
- Game Master Dave