Played 7 Wonders on 2023-08-29 #bggplay via @BoardGameGeek

“Making friends and uniting communities one level of a wonder at a time.”

Good day gamers,

I got a chance to play 7 Wonders online on Board Game Arena. I came in fourth out of five. I ran into money issues and several times there were two cards that would be excellent for my neighbor, but I could only stop them from getting one of them. Just the luck of the draw.

I’m glad I experimented with playing with random people on-line again. It works and it’s fun! No one was rude or made any comments while they were waiting for my move. I had a lot of fun, but this was a challenging game.

I highly suggest you learn 7 Wonders if you have never played it. It’s a great game, but does have a lot of iconography. It might be helpful for someone else to teach you. That could be me!!! Let me know if you are interested in learning.

I give 7 Wonders ‘Nine Victory Points and Take Another Turn’.

We’d love to hear your story about 7 Wonders, other games, or anything else you want to tell us. Fill out our survey HERE!

See you soon!

  • Game Master Dave
