Good day gamers,
I’m on vacation from the Post Office this coming week, so stay tuned more regular posts and details about OctaCon for this coming weekend.
- I’m having trouble with adding a page to post the OctaCon information, so I’m working on the tech stuff. In the meantime, updates will come as posts. We added some games with Ginger, some Library Events and a panel. Going to be exciting! See below for current schedule.
- Learned Yokohama last night. Thanks Rich for teaching me. We didn’t finish the game, but we are playing it on Board Game Arena and therefore we can do turns now.
- Playing some Roll for the Galaxy, Troyes and Voyages of Marco Polo on Board Game Arena too.
- Playing some Unconditional Surrender also.
- Been watching Dwarf Fortress videos in anticipation of it coming out on Steam.
- Did two streams yesterday on my Twitch Channel with Dominions 5. You can check them out here.
- Friday night, 630pm, you can play Friday by Friedman Frieze with us on the Bethpage Library Zoom Room.
- Saturday and Sunday is OctaCon 7. Saturday 9am-8pm. Sunday 11am-5pm.
Among Us: One of the hottest games out there right now and being streamed all over the internet is Among Us. Apparently, all the players have to run around and accomplish tasks, but one or two of them are traitors and if you are alone in a room with them, they can kill you. Then a vote happens and you the survivors try and figure out who is the killer and vote them out. Sort of like a Werewolf meets Space Alert kind of game. Here is an interesting article.
Untitled Goose Game: So, my friend Steve has said that he thinks I should stream the Untitled Goose Game. NOTE: I haven’t played it and I know nothing about it. Steve says it should be hilarious and he wants to see the stream first hand. Don’t tell me about the game please. But stay tuned. Please Follow me on my Twitch Channel and you will get the notification of when I do this.
Current OctaCon Schedule:

More soon!
Thanks for making it to the end of another Game Master Dave’s Semi-Daily Dispatch. Give yourself 100 XP and until we meet again across the internet, keep your mice dry, your keyboards ready and your Diet Coke cold! (NOTE: I didn’t mention Pepsi.)
Take care,
- Game Master Dave
Foxy, “David Dear, Hydrate. Diet Coke is not a good substitute. And I hope that Goose game is a hunting situation. I haven’t had goods in over twenty years.”
Lambie, “I played Among Us at Robert’s house. Dude, it’s dope. I hope you get it soon. I’ll use the Ginger’s comp and we will have a blasto!”
Snuggle Bunny, “Wat is da name of the Goose game? You said it was untitled?”
Chester, “Chester.”