“Making friends and uniting communities one library event at a time!”
Good day gamers,
Here are the goodies…
- Happy Halloween!
- Visited the Prospect Park Board Gaming Meetup on Saturday night! Saw Marc from the Brooklyn Crokinole Club, saw Jesse, who I haven’t seen in like five years, met the organizers of the event and made three new friends. We played Welcome To… and Dixit! Too much fun!
- On Friday night, Ginger let me choose a game and we played two games of 7 Wonders: Duel! Yippee!
- On Sunday night I went to see Band Maid at The American Dream Mall in NJ. Before two weeks ago, I had never heard of this band. I am now a Band Maid-iac. LOL. It was a good rock and roll show!
Friday, 11/4/2022, 6:30-8:30pm, Bethpage Library Board Game Night, a quick, fun, friendly, board gaming frenzy! Families and new board gamers welcome. Ginger and I will run around and teach games and generally have a good laugh. Bring a game or play one out of the libraries’ collection.
Saturday, 11/5/2022, 10am-5pm, Sayville Library Fan Fest! Ginger and I and a few other Game Masters will be at the Sayville Library for their great one day extravaganza for all things fandom! Doctor Who, Star Wars, Lego, Comic books, and of course…Board Games!!! Come play some pick-up games, bring your own game, or learn a game from me or Ginger! The last time they did this, it was great!!! There are outdoor video games, yard games, food vendors, speakers, a comedy game show, and lots more!!! Check out the website HERE!!!
More events coming up in November and December!
Stay tuned!
Follow us on Twitter for random thoughts and updates! @GMGDave
Send us comments, questions, feedback, or other suggestions at Dave@GameMasterGames.com
See you soon!
- Game Master Dave