“Making friends and uniting communities one Fancy Pants Parade at a time.”
Good day gamers,
I hope you are all safe and doing well. Ginger and I are involved in two things this weekend and we would love it for you to join us.
Bethpage Library Board Game Night: Friday, 4/9/2021, 6:30pm, Paperback Co-Op Game.
Zoom Room Information: Meeting ID: 899 4845 4638
Passcode: 601418
JoCo Virtual Cruise: The second thing we are involved in this weekend is the JoCo Virtual Cruise.
In March of 2020, Ginger and I went on the JoCo Cruise. We were introduced to it by our friends Anna and Steve. We had 110% FUN! Obviously, they aren’t cruising this year, so they are doing a ‘virtual cruise’ this weekend. We highly suggest you check it out. It’s FREE!!! Ginger and I are both in the ‘Fancy Pants Parade’ and I am running a ‘Welcome To…’ game on Sunday at 5pm. Check it out, have fun and let us know what events you enjoyed.
Link here: JoCo Virtual Cruise
Please Note: Wil Wheaton is attending the event.

See you soon!
- Game Master Dave