“Making friends and uniting communities connecting at the corners one at a time.”
Good day gamers,
Last night at the Moriches Library Board Game Night, our friend Ken taught Ginger how to play Blokus. I had only played one time before years ago, so it was a good refresher for me.
In my opinion, Ginger and I need to add this game to our library of games that we bring to events. It’s good for new players, it’s good for pre-teens and older, it has a good tactile feel and it’s satisfying to hear the click of the pieces when you place them, and it’s fun to strategically place a piece in a ‘perfect’ space.
It’s fun, light, and heavy at the same time…if that is even possible.
I give Blokus seven squares left for the win!
See you soon!
- Game Master Dave