Good day gamers,
As you may know already, after I closed down my Game Master Games store and Ginger got laid off from the company she had been working at for awhile, I needed to get a job that I could get medical benefits from. I wanted a job that my military service meant something and might give me a small advantage. I applied to the United States Postal Service first and got hired right away. A few years later, I’m Shop Steward, Customer Connect Coordinator, On the Job Instructor and Academy Instructor. Crazy where life takes you.
CIV IV: I’ve got a group of friends that I play computer games with 2-3 nights a week at 10pm. We have been playing a mix of Stellaris and Hearts of Iron, but this past week, we brought out an old favorite, Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword. We are having a blast playing a campaign. We have four players in total. Have you played this game? Do you prefer CIV V or CIV VI? Let me know. Send me a note at
What online platforms are you using to get some gaming in?
Mask Wearing: It is now mandatory to wear a mask while I’m working inside the Post Office, since it’s hard to keep six foot social distancing. I also made a decision to wear a mask in public wherever I go as well as walking around on my job, because Ginger is ‘high risk’ and I would hate to get sick and then get her sick. I saw an article today that mentioned that the new ‘lines in the sand’ for societal norms is Wearing a Mask vs. Not Wearing a Mask. Some people are just very resistant. Even some of my co-workers don’t wear one, though they are supposed to. I support wearing a mask in public. I feel, that at this time, it protects you and it protects me. Do you have any thoughts? Please email me at or leave a message at 516-597-5555. I’d like to talk more about this subject.
Bread/Yeast: Ginger and I used to have a bread machine, but it broke. Recently, Ginger looked up recipes to bake bread in the oven, but right when this pandemic hit, we ran out of yeast. Every time I’ve been shopping in the last couple weeks, I’ve looked for yeast and couldn’t find any. Is everyone baking at home right now? I guess they are! One of our friends just traded some yeast to us for some toilet paper. I think we got the better part of the trade. 🙂 Can’t wait to try this tonight!
GTKD: In our next installment of Get To Know Dave I thought we would talk about bicycles. I don’t own a bicycle now, but I had a lot of fun with one when I was a kid. I had a Schwinn green banana seat bike. I think it got handed down to me from one of my older brothers. I had a paper route with that bike. I went to my friend’s Chris’ house on it almost daily during the Summers. I used it to ‘dirt bike’ in the woods near my house. I made jumps with it with bricks and planks of wood. But maybe the most memorable experience I had with it was playing ‘Demolition Derby’ with my friend Doug. We used to run our bikes into one another. We would bend spokes, knock each other on the ground and get scraped knees and hit our heads on trees. Good times. 🙂 I remember once, I swerved to avoid Doug on his bike and I hit a chain across a dirt driveway and went over the handle bars and landed in a bush. Crazy. I wonder whatever happened to that bike…

Thank you once again for checking out my Semi-Daily Blog. Give yourself 100 XP and until we meet again, across the internet, keep your mice dry, your keyboards ready and your gaming communities strong!
- Game Master Dave