“Making friends and uniting communities one scholarly event at a time.”

Good day gamers,

Board Gamers Anonymous is a podcast run by a bunch of brilliant teachers and professionals. They entered the scholarly journal world last year with their first conference and published journal where you can find a paper from our local celebrity Courtney! (LIRetro, LITabletop, Legendary Realms) Check it out HERE.

This year the conference will be at DexLite Gaming Convention in Morristown, NJ on Thursday, July 4, 2024. Board Game Academics Website HERE.

The cost of the Conference is just $15 and it gets you into the DexLite Gaming Convention for Thursday night. You can buy a full weekend ticket as well, if you want to. OR… You Can Watch ONLINE! Get a ticket HERE.

The DexLite Gaming website for buying a ticket for the Conference and/or the convention, hosting games, and making your schedule is HERE.

The Keynote Speaker will be local Board Gamer Emerson Matsucchi.(Foundations of Rome, Century: Spice Road, Specter Ops, and more…)

There will be multiple presenters both in person and online. One of them will be game designer Andrew Parks! (Star Trek Attack Wing, Star Trek: Frontiers, Core Worlds and more…)

We do hope you join us in-person or online for the Board Game Conference, or at DexLite. I’ll be there demoing many games myself and I’d love for you to stop by. (Barbarian Kingdoms, War of the Ring Card Game, Hadrian’s Wall and Hegemony, as well as Ants in the Plants one-shot RPGs)

See you soon!

  • Game Master Dave

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