Good day gamers,
I have been doing some updates on this website and learning more about WordPress every day. I just updated the upcoming events page, so check it out when you have a chance and send me any feedback at
Coronavirus: There have been three confirmed cases of USPS employees having the Coronavirus in tri-state area. As far as I know, the facilities that they worked in, the day after testing positive, were closed down for a day and sanitized. The CDC apparently has released some results from testing that the virus does not live on paper and cardboard for very long. This time frame is less than 48 hours. I’m saying this, because as a Letter Carrier, I’m getting a lot of questions from family, friends, and customers about safety when dealing with the mail.
I’ve been tracking some statistics. There has been a bit of an uptick in all the categories since I last posted. Here is the latest.

Hearts of Iron IV: Had a great game last night with Bill, Steve, and Josie. American has gone Communist. The UK lost two full carrier groups to Italian Battleships in the Med. Sea. The Soviet Union suffered a civil war and Communist Russia got rid of Stalin and brought back Trotsky. This game is nuts! Too much fun.
LITT: Rich and several other people are working hard on bringing the Long Island Tabletop Gaming Expo to be completely online from April 17-19th! More details coming soon, but here is the event page on Facebook.
Good News from Ginger’s Corner…a wedding!!! In case you didn’t know already, our store manager, Austin, got married this past weekend during a ‘social distancing’ small wedding ceremony in his backyard. We wish all the best to Ceci and Austin! It was an honor for us to be present and for Ginger to preside.
Thanks again for reading. Give yourself 100 XP and until we meet again across the internet, keep your mice dry, your keyboards ready and your gaming communities strong!
- Game Master Dave
PS…Ginger is watching the penguins at the Kansas City Zoo. See them here.