Good day gamers,
Covid-19: I have several friends working from home and I have several friends now out of work. Hopefully the shortages of supplies and equipment that you hear about in the news will be solved in the next couple weeks, but there are still plenty of challenges ahead. As per John Hopkins University, 219,000 are known to have been infected worldwide, but 83,000 have also recovered from the symptoms. Ginger and I have a ‘go bag’ ready in case things really get bad, but if you follow the guidelines of the Center of Disease Control, then you can mitigate your risk. Stay safe. Let us know if you are in dire straights. Not sure what we can do for you, but let’s figure that out at that time.
JoCo Cruise 4: Continuing my series on the JoCo Cruise, let’s talk today about the stops the ship made on this trip. Our first scheduled stop was going to be Half Moon Cay, an industry developed island that cruise ships use. We had to skip it due to weather. The only way to get on the island is by tenders from the ship and the wind and waves made it very unsafe for us to do so, so we sailed on. Then we stopped at Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic. Ginger and I took an excursion to a cave right in the middle of the city. It was like a cenote but the roof had collapsed during an earthquake in the 70’s. It was very cool. Then the tour took us to an amber museum and then some shopping. It was worth the money for a few hours exploring Santo Domingo. In the evening, the JoCo Cruise had entertainment in a little outdoor event space with JoCo, MegaRan, Aimee Mann and others. It was a great time. The next day we started sailing to Grand Turk Island, but they turned us away due to the Coronavirus situation. On our way back to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida the weather was beautiful and the Captain of the ship was able to re-book a Half Moon Cay visit and we did that. With out friends, we booked a clamshell. The beach, the weather and the sand were all amazing. We had a great time.

Long Island Tabletop Gaming Expo: As you all may know by now, the LITT has been postponed until November 7th. The management team is working hard to bring you some events in the meantime and we hope to have some announcements soon. These events will all be online.
Over Coffee: Rich and I will once again be on the Over Coffee show on LITabletop Twitch channel tomorrow morning, Friday, 6:30am. Come chat with us!
Weekly Word: Tonight, I’ll be with Rich and Morgan on Over Coffee on the LITabletop Twitch channel at 9pm. We are going to play Carcassonne remotely or at least teach everyone how to play. Check it out and come chat with us there. We hope to see you.
Patreon: If I have entertained you in the past at my stores or online, please consider supporting me for $1 a month, so that I can buy sleeves for games, replacement games, better equipment for production and more. Thank you to those that already support me. I do appreciate it.
Stay safe and until we meet again across the internet, keep your mice dry, your keyboards ready and your gaming communities and meeples strong!!!
Send me feedback at
- Game Master Dave