Good day gamers,

Covid-19 Update: As of 3/20/20, 5:30pm, according to John Hopkins website…Worldwide cumulative cases: 258,000, 11,000 deaths, 87,000 recovered. US cumulative cases: 16,500, 210 deaths, 120 recovered. New York cumulative cases: 7,250, 39 deaths. Sober news, but at least we see that many people have recovered as well. At the Post Office we are working on social distancing solutions. We have a safety brief almost every day. Ginger and I are looking at ways to order food on-line. We used Purple Carrot before, so we will be looking at re-activating our account again. We are looking at locations of food pantries and shelters as well, so we can educate ourselves for the future.

Weekly Word: Morgan and Rich from Legendary Realms put on a Twitch talk show every Thursday on LITabletop Twitch Channel. Once a month, they invite me on to teach them a new board game. Last night was Carcassonne. We had a good time even when we initially spent 20 minutes talking about breakfast cereals. Actually, perhaps that was the best part of the show. 🙂 Check it out here.

JoCo Cruise 5: Fancy Pants Parade!!! I entered the Fancy Pants Parade. I thought I was going to win, but I got there five minutes late and some people didn’t see my costume. Ginger helped me get all donned up. I’ll have a picture soon. So, that you can educate yourself, watch this Jonathan Coulton video, so you know what a Fancy Pants Parade is. 🙂

Over Coffee: Watch Rich and myself talk about games and all sorts of topics on Over Coffee next week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6:30am on LITabletop Twitch Channel. Hit that Follow Button and the Notification Bell!

Post Office: The Post Office is considered an essential business, so your Letter Carriers should be coming every day to drop off mail. Feel free to keep your distance from them and even isolate the mail for 24 hours or something before you open it. The CDC has learned of no cases of Coronavirus that has been transmitted over paper or cardboard, but feel free to stay as safe as you can. As time goes by, perhaps there may be occasional interrupted or late service.

HOI4: Four or us got together last night for a Hearts of Iron 4 Multiplayer game. If interested in joining, let me know.

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Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter at @GMGDave.

And until we meet again across the internet at the correct social distancing for electronic transmissions, keep your mice dry, your keyboards clean and ready, and your gaming communities strong!!!

  • Game Master Dave
