Good day gamers,
- Going on a day hike soon in Harriman State Park.
- Enjoying Purple Carrot meals with Ginger.
- Just got our monhtly delivery of Misfit Markets.
- Also just got our copy of The Adventure Challenge, Couple’s Edition.
- Been playing some competitive Stellaris and just started learning about HOI4’s Kaiserreich mod. All cool.
Edification of Dave about BLM: The last several weeks have been a whirlwind of news stories, videos, discussions with friends and protests. Crazy that we need to even talk about racism in this country, but it is blatantly obvious that prejudice has been part of everyone’s daily life, use of products, affiliations and history. I’m learning so much. Within a short period of time many of these things I’ve seen have affected me greatly: intense discussions on social media, news, news, news, attending a protest, listening to the podcast ‘1619‘, watching the Netflix show ‘Medal of Honor’ Season 1, Episode 3, watching the Netflix show ‘13th‘, watching John Oliver’s show on HBO and conversations with Ginger and another friend of mine. I am a little in shock. I am stunned. I can’t believe that in my history books, the events of Tulsa in 1921 aren’t even mentioned. I can’t believe we bombed a neighborhood in Philadelphia in 1985. I can’t believe that the United States has 10% of the World’s population, but 25% of the number of people incarcerated. It will take me sometime to process the possibility that I have been ‘brainwashed’ into thinking America is great by only showing me select parts of American history. It will take me some time to process my edification. It will take me some time to come to new conclusions. It will take me some time to decide what to do next. Thank you for reading.
Counted Cross Stitch: On a much lighter note, I have from time to time done counted cross stitch. Really? Me? Yes, I used to do it on the bus and train when I commuted. Now, I do it much less often and a sometimes on vacation. I usually forget I started this project. For some unknown reason, I decided to take upon a ‘beast’ of a project and I mean that literally! I am sewing a…wait…maybe I don’t tell you and you can follow me along on my progress. Here is a picture of what I’m finished up until today. What is it? 🙂 Fill out this form with a guess. 🙂

Dungeons & Dragons: In Bethpage, NY’s Library Zoom Room, Game Master Ginger hosted a D&D night for beginners on Friday night. We only had a few people attending, but some had never played D&D before and everyone had a great time. Ginger ran a simple scenario from The Adventure’s League. She also play-tested it the night before with me and some friends. Good times. You can get all the beginner things you need for FREE straight from the Wizards of the Coast website. Link here.
Want to help out me, Game Master Dave or the Game Master Games organization as a whole, fill out this questionnaire and we will contact you with more information. Check it out here.
Thanks so much for making it to the end of another of Dave’s Semi-Daily Dispatch. Give yourself 100 XP and until we meet again, across the internet, keep your mice dry, your keyboards ready and go Vote or Protest or have a Conversation, but do something! The world is changing. Don’t forget to take a brain break and play a game. Let me help you get involved or play a game. See you soon…
- Game Master Dave