Good day gamers, DexCon has been a hoot so far with seeing old friends and playing new games and both Ginger and I running a ton of games.I learned Smash Up this morning and Koi. Both very good games. The artwork on Koi was especially amazing.Ginger ran a successful Pente, Quoridor, Quorto, One Night Ultimate Werewolf games and more.I got to see some old friends again: Sarah, Matt, Adam, Frank, Roger, and more.Tonight was one of their slower night’s due to the holiday, so I can’t wait until tomorrow!See you soon!- Game Master Dave

DexCon 22, 2029
Good day gamers, DexCon has been a hoot so far with seeing old friends and playing new games and both Ginger and I running a ton of games.I learned Smash […]