“Making friends and uniting communities one drafted dinosaur at a time.”

Good day gamers,

Some good friends gave Ginger and I the board game Draftosaurus for the holidays.

We got a chance to play on Christmas and had a good time.

Here are some things about it…

– It was easy to learn to play.

– One face of the die was incorrectly printed, but we figured it out.

– Each player is given a board that represents your dinosaur zoo.

– The objective is to get the most victory points by drafting dinosaur meeples out of a bag and choosing where to place them.

– The twist is, when it’s your turn, you roll a die, which the results of that roll will add conditions of dinosaur placement for all other players. This makes some choices difficult and frustrating.

– Frustration is fun! 😀

Ginger won the first game by just a few points.

We both agreed we enjoyed it and would play again. We think this game will be fun to teach at the gaming conventions we attend.

Board Game Geek link HERE.

See you soon!

– Game Master Dave
