Good day gamers,
- We are short staffed at the Post Office. I’ve been ‘forced in’ to work my days off for a few weeks now. The parcels just keep coming and coming. Looking for work? Talk to me.
- Had some tough days the Shop Steward, but I believe I have helped some people, so that is good.
- Watching ‘Monty Python’s Almost the Truth’ on Netflix, which is very good.
- Involved in a stressful Civ 4 game on Steam. Wow!
- Getting up and running for Uplink, August 8 & 9.
- Had a great Bethpage Library Game Night on Friday playing an Unlock! game.
Empire of the Sun: Got a chance to play Empire of the Sun a few nights ago on Vassal. It was a good time. EotS is a World War II Pacific theater game. It has an interesting and unique operational moving system, which is card driven. It’s not an easy game and it’s also very long. I am an avid World War II historian, but I’ve concentrated mostly on the European theater and I find it challenging to figure out the strategies needed in the Pacific theater. Here is the game on Board Game Geek. Complexity 4.27 out of 5. Wow! Rated #18 in the Wargame category. Wow! Very interesting game. A big thank you to Anthony for helping me learn it.
Masks: Still dealing with some co-workers not wearing masks all the time at work. It’s been frustrating. I’m in contact with the management team working out solutions. I hope no one gets sick at my office. If so and if contact tracing would be correctly done, half or more of my office will be out on quarantine because of a few employees. Ugh. Luckily, I only spend about two hours a day in the office and the rest outside. I have noticed that people are starting to not wear masks in some businesses though. It is still a NY State mandate for wearing masks indoors, isn’t it?
Extended Family, Meet Foxy Joan:

Foxy Joan has lived with Ginger since she was a teenager. Ginger tells me that Foxy has always looked after Ginger, but that Foxy didn’t speak at all until I moved into the house. If Ginger is the Queen of the house, Foxy is the Empress. Foxy protects the house from Zombie Infestation and makes sure I hydrate on a regular basis. “What does the Fox say?” “Hydrate.” Foxy is opinionated, but always for the betterment of the family. She is ‘always’ right. We listen to and abide by her advice. Foxy was also a model for greeting cards in her youth. She has had some contact with ‘Lord Red Feather’, a fox from upstate. We love and respect Foxy. She will be reading this, so thank you Foxy for all you have done for the family. You are the best and yes, I did drink my water bottles on the postal route today. Yes. All five of them. Yes, Foxy. I remember. Yes. I will improve on that. Thank you, Foxy.
Thank you for making it to the end of another Game Master Dave’s Semi-Daily Blog. Give yourself 100 XP and until we meet again across the internet, keep your dice dry, your Zombies at bay and your body well hydrated.
- Game Master Dave
Foxy, “Dearest David, why is the word ‘always’ in quotation marks?”