“Making friends and uniting communities one research paper at a time.”
Good day gamers,
- My Step-son and his fiancée have been visiting Long Island all week. It was great to see them and I know they got a chance to see a lot of friends and family.
- I went out to see the Yankee/Mets baseball game on Friday night with my friend Bill, but the game was rained out. He said we could meet at B-Dubs. I was searching for a restaurant called B-Dubs, but couldn’t find it. Do you know what B-Dubs is short for? Because I didn’t. 🙂
- Went to see the fireworks last night at Wantagh Park here on Long Island. Due to unfamiliarity of the park and the crowds, Ginger and I got to the waterfront with only five minutes left of the Jones Beach display, but it was still awesome. We had fun.
Good day gamers,

Empire State College. So, mid-last year, I got very frustrated at my current job and started looking for other employment. Due to me being a veteran and a military historian, I wanted something along those lines. Of course, I would love to make a living off streaming games on my Twitch and YouTube Channel, but let’s be a little more realistic. 🙂 (However, if I have entertained you in the past, please consider donating $1.00 a month to my Patreon) I was thinking that a ‘dream’ job for me would be something like a museum docent or a park ranger. Imagine if I got a job at the Bethpage Armor Museum or the Gettysburg National Battlefield Memorial Park. Wow. That would be fantastic. However, these type of positions wanted someone with a college degree. Since I only have about three years of school from Norwich University and no degree, I was out of luck for applying. My friend Steve said I should have applied anyhow, since they might have taken into account ‘life experiences and skills’. Looking into potential colleges, I came across Empire State College and I have met a few people that have taken classes there and they told me that it was a good school, so I applied. I soon got accepted, chose a military studies degree and signed up for a 9/11 GIBill benefit that I was eligible for. After talking to my academic advisor, I had to settle for a Historical Studies degree. My first class starts tomorrow. I’m sure I’ll post a few updates on this blog about my progress. It looks like it will be intense!!! Wish me luck!
Thanks for making it to the end of another Game Master Dave’s Dispatch. Give yourself 100 XP! Have you leveled yet? And until we meet again across the internet, keep your textbooks dry (no spilled diet coke), your pencils ready (or keyboard) for writing those papers and your brain strong!
- Game Master Dave
Foxy Joan, “David dear, you are about to become very busy with schoolwork. Finned water beings will help you with oils to help your thought processes, feathered pests will help you with protein to strengthen your typing fingers and small furry annoying creatures will help with filling your belly so you can read without mid-body disturbances. We don’t have college in the forest, but we do have Fox University, however the curriculum is secret.”
Lamby Pie, “Dude, make sure you keep a few minutes to yourself, my man. Don’t get the burned out blues. Bestie of luck, dude.”
Snuggle Bunny, “Mama got the wrong nanas again. Can you buy nanas tomorrow?”
Chester, “Chester?”