“Making friends and uniting communities one dice roll at a time.”
Good day gamers,
FATDOG (Friday After Thanksgiving Day of Gaming) will be held at both Cosmic Comics in Baldwin and Legendary Realms in Lindenhurst!
At Cosmic Comics, they will be open from 12-10pm and for just $5, hang out all day long and play games!
There will be raffled off prizes, discounts, they have snacks and drinks available and you can bring in food.
Due to limited space, it is requested that you let us know you are coming by emailing me at Dave@GameMasterGames.com.
If you want to reserve a table, post a game looking for players, or sign up for posted games, please fill out the survey HERE.
Game Master Ginger will be at Cosmic all day teaching games and talking games.
Come join us, have fun, learn a game, play a game, teach a game.
See you soon!
- Game Master Dave