“Making friends and uniting communities one gaming event at a time.”
Good day gamers!
Tickets still available for FATDOG! Register HERE!
14 Hours of Gaming at Legendary Realms in Lindenhurst, NY!
Best Black Friday Deal EVER!
Though FATDOG has traditionally been wargaming, we welcome all types of gamers, board gamers, miniature gamers, role-playing games, trading-card games, Euro, American, cooperative, etc…
David Miller will make showing in the AM with some great games, one or more of: Survive, Dogfight, Thunder Road, Horrified, Super Hero Heroscape!
I’ll be running one or more of the following: B-17 Queen of the Skies, Twilight Inscription, Twilight Struggle, Sid Meier’s Civilization, Dune, Game of Thrones, Avalon Hill’s Advanced Civilization, Squad Leader, Advanced Squad Leader, Gettysburg: Badges of Courage.
Reserve a table, register your whole group at once with multiple tickets on the website, send me an email with any questions: Dave@GameMasterGames.com or Fatdoggycon@gmail.com
See you soon!
- Game Master Dave