“Making friends and uniting communities one game convention at a time.”
Link to get badges, click HERE.
Good day gamers,
Treat yourself to a whole day of gaming after your Turkey sleep!
It’s the best Black Friday gift you can buy for yourself!
Buying a badge gets you into FATDOG, the Friday After Thanksgiving Day of Gaming, for 13 hours of gaming with your friends, family, or make some new friends by checking out games that will be taught by our great Game Masters!
We have a hall rented in Seaford and we are looking forward to seeing you. The American Legion Hall at 2301 Pentatiquit Ave., Seaford, NY.
$12 in advance, online, or $15 at the door!
$6 for kids 6-12 years old. Under 6 are FREE!
If you want to help out being a Game Master and you post a game for the general public to play, you can get in for just $5!
If you have a gaming group that wants to reserve a table, you can do that too! Everyone in your group can buy a badge and just one of you can reserve a table for the entire day!!! You can also do this online, or just email me you want to reserve a table.
You can also get an Exhibitor/Vending table, become a Volunteer, or purchase a Sponsorship!
We are using Tabletop.Events and I know many people are unfamiliar with it, but we hope we made it easy to navigate. If you run into an issue, please email me at Dave@GameMasterGames.com.
Link to get to the Registration Site is HERE!
We thank Harvey for starting FATDOG and we are happy to continue the tradition.
We thank Cosmic Comics and Games from Baldwin in sponsoring the event. Check them out on their Facebook page HERE.
See you soon!
- Game Master Dave