“Making friends and uniting communities one holiday gaming event at a time.”
Good day gamers!
We are happy to announce, though apologies for the last minute, FATDOG is a GO!
What is FATDOG? It stands for Friday after Thanksgiving Day of Gaming!
This year we will be at Legendary Realms in Lindenhurst.
Registration is required due to limited space. You can sign up for multiple spots in case you want to make sure you and your friends get a ticket.
We have a few scheduled events and advertising for that will come shortly, but most FATDOG attendees in the past just open game all day long.
Game Master Dave will be there with his library of games. Legendary Realms has a great library of games. Or bring your own!
Long Island Favorite David Miller will make a showing in the AM.
All games welcome, though FATDOG was founded on Wargaming, we expect a fair amount of Euro Gaming and maybe even some RPGs.
Legendary Realms has snacks, drinks, games and accessories for sale and they allow you to bring in outside food too.
Get your tickets today!!!
See you soon!
- Game Master Dave