“Making friends and uniting communities one time travelling vacation at a time.”
Played Trekking Through History on 2023-12-03 https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/353288 #bggplay via @BoardGameGeek
Good day gamers,
I got a chance to play Trekking Though History with two gamers at Legendary Realms recently. This was part of my very first Envoy event and I thank them and Legendary Realms for a successful event.
I really like Trekking Through History by Underdog Games for a few reasons:
- There is some basic strategies for new players and advanced strategies for the veteran gamer.
- The components are of superior quality.
- It is very colorful, bright, but for those that are colorblind, each piece is shaped differently.
- In each game you only use about half the cards, which means there is a lot of room for replayability.
- And if you have any interest in history, the flavor text on the back of the card describes the historical event, person, or place in just a few short sentences. You can learn a lot from playing this game.
I highly recommend you check Trekking Through History and Game Master Ginger and myself will include it when we bring games for library nights and conventions, so you can get a chance to check it out if you join us.
I give Trekking Through History Seven Destination Cards in my Trek.
See you soon!
- Game Master Dave
Underdog Games Link HERE.
Double Exposure’s website, who runs the Envoy Program is HERE.