“Making friends and uniting communities one fate deck pull at a time.”
Played Disney Villainous on 2023-11-29 https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/256382 #bggplay via @BoardGameGeek
I had to demo Villainous at the Bethpage Library this past Friday night, so Ginger and I had to refresh our memories on how to play this game.
I really like that you play as Disney villains and each player will have a unique win condition that you are working on by yourself. However, other players can play heroes to slow you down.
Very interesting mechanics and at the Bethpage Library Board Game Night we did get a chance to play, though not finish a game.
I give Villainous Seven power to play an Ally card.
Tell us what you think of Villainous or any other game you played recently by filling out this short survey HERE.
See you soon!
- Game Master Dave