“Making friends and uniting communities one gaming convention at a time.”
Good day gamers,
The Long Island Tabletop Gaming Expo is just around the corner on April 6 & 7 at the Cradle of Aviation Museum!
As most of you know, I am the Board Game Coordinator for the event.
I’m currently building my board game schedule, so if you are interested in being a Game Master, please fill out the volunteer form HERE and I’ll contact you soon!
Just so everyone knows, the Board Game section is moving back to the second floor and the Trading Card Game section is expanding and is going to be in the cafeteria.
We are also adding more tournaments to include a Red Dragon Inn tournament, which should be great, we are adding to the museum, and we will have a Welcome To game happening in the theater!
Lots of great changes coming to make the Long Island Tabletop Gaming Expo even better than last year!!!
Send me any questions to Dave@GameMasterGames.com.
See you soon!
- Dave