“Making friends and uniting communities one energy marble at a time.”
Played Gizmos on 2023-10-31 https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/246192 @BoardGameGeek
Good day gamers,
Ginger and I are teaching Gizmos this Friday night at the Bethpage Library. We needed to learn how to play this game before we teach it, so that is what we did on date night last night.
We read a review on-line that said something like, “Put away Splendor. Gizmos will now be your ‘go-to’ game.” Ginger and I don’t totally agree about that, but it is an interesting game.
It seems easy to teach and easy to play and there are many, many combinations. It’s all about the combinations. It that respect it reminds me more of Dominion. You have got to get an engine going to do super cool stuff.
I give Gizmos Seven victory points when I build a blue gizmo.
See you soon!
- Game Master Dave