“Making friends and uniting communities one happy parent at a time.”
Good day gamers,
- Playing Sa Battalla and Iron & Oak on Vassal. Trying to get an Avalon Hill Advanced Civilization game going too.
- I haven’t been streaming the last two weeks. Busy at work and went on vacation. I should start streaming again soon. Is there any game you would like to see me play?
- Hope to get an in person game of The Great Western Trail in today.
- World War II reenactment stuff at The Old Bethpage Restoration today.
- Been also playing Dominions 5, Through the Ages and Viticulture. Awesomeness all around.
- Saw a post by one of our GMG Magic players who had 10+ people playing in his backyard the other day. Also awesome.
- Juneteenth has become a Federal Holiday! I didn’t get the day off from the Post Office. I will next year. However, at some point in the relative near future, they will give me a comp day for it. Happy celebration to something that has been too long in coming.

Happy Father’s Day! This goes out to all Father’s as well as anyone with a paternal bond with someone. During my route yesterday, a few customers said, “Happy Father’s Day” to me. This was nice. However, they don’t know if I have any children or not. I don’t have any biological children, but I did help raise for 9+ years Devon and Gio during my previous marriage. I’m still in contact with them today. The two of them have recognized my paternal bonds with them and this fills me with joy. Father’s Day may not always be a joyous occasion. Some of us never knew our Fathers or did not have many special memories of them and Father’s Day may bring sadness, indifference or painful memories. Maybe we can reflect on this at some point today. Maybe we can reach out with a phone call, email or text. Or maybe we can stay quiet for a minute and just remember the good times and the sacrifices of all Fathers and paternal figures everywhere. Happy Father’s Day to you and even if you aren’t a Father, Happy Father’s Day to you too. Why not!?! We have all been a ‘parent’ to someone at some point in our lives. Let’s celebrate the community of family being together, even if that family is not a blood relative. Go out and do something fun, if possible.
And to my Dad who has passed on, Happy Father’s Day. Thanks for everything. You are dearly missed.
Thank you for making it to the end of another Game Master Dave’s Dispatch. Give yourself 100XP and if you are a Father make it 103XP.
Until we meet again, across the internet, keep your eyes dry while chatting with your Pops here or in prayer, your BBQ ready for such a great, sunny day and your arms strong for holding up your kids.
- Game Master Dave
Foxy Joan, “Dearest Dave, I received a message from the New Jersey Fox Honorary Association and they send appreciation to your Father for keeping such a lovely garden for so many years. He has been labelled as an Honorary Human.”
Lamby Pie, “Dude, can you grill dem portabellas again? They were waaaaaay out fantastic last time.”
Snuggle Bunny, “Boo boo, are you my Daddy?”
Chester, “Ickle!” (This is Chester’s nickname for me. Chester only says like five words. I guess this is my special day.)