“Making friends and uniting communities one flag waving stick at a time.”
Good day gamers,
- Playing in a 7-Player Dominions 5 game as Early Age Abysia. This is our first fully competitive game in awhile as we were teaching new players.
- Watched The Conjuring and The Conjuring 2 recently. Your regular Hollywood horror films, but both entertaining. As a side note, I met Ed and Lorraine Warren as they visited Norwich University in about 1993. The Norwich University library is listed as one of the most haunted places in this country, so they came and gave a lecture and then went walking through the library. They said they met several ghosts, but nothing evil. Crazy.
- Playing Strat-o-matic Baseball, Iron & Oak, Advanced Civilization and I streamed Out of the Park Baseball earlier today.
- I’m starting college again on Tuesday at Empire State College to get a Historical Studies degree. Wish me luck!

Happy July 4th! On this historical holiday, we do hope you, your family and your friends have a safe and enjoyable holiday. I’m off Monday for observation, which is awesome! Some interesting July 4th facts are as follows:
- The Declaration of Independence was not completely signed on July 4th. The last signature wasn’t added until August.
- President Zachary Taylor died after eating spoiled fruit on July 4th in 1850.
- Joey Chestnut won the hotdog eating contest again this year.
- Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence on a laptop. Well, obviously not a modern laptop, but at the time a writing desk that rested on your lap was called a ‘laptop’. Crazy.
- Thomas Jefferson, 82, and John Adams, 90, each died within five hours of each other on July 4, 1826.
- July 4th was not made a National Holiday until 1870.
Have a happy day! Play a game, visit some friends of family, have something to eat. Or in my case, catch up on a million things while relaxing and listening to the Yankees losing to the Mets. Argh…
Thanks for making it to the end of another Game Master Dave’s Dispatch. Give yourself 100 XP. Until we meet again, across the internet, keep your flags dry, your legal fireworks ready and your friendships strong!
- Game Master Dave
Foxy Joan, “David Dear, staying hydrated in this holiday is of utmost importance. Your silver and red can of replenishment that you take from the winter weather box is not appropriate for water gathering. Remember what the fox says, “Hydrate.”.”
Lamby Pie, “What is up with the Yanks? Bummer man. Cool to chill with you, but I can tell your a uber disappointed.”
Snuggle Bunny, “Boo Boo, why is the hotdog eating guy called chestnut? Foxy says he doesn’t live in the woods? Boo Boo, what is hotdog? Can I have one?”
Chester, “Chester.”