“Making friends and uniting communities one word clue at a time.”
Played In Kahoots on 2023-11-09 https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/200289 #bggplay via @BoardGameGeek
Good day gamers,
I went for only my second time to the Thursday night board gaming group at the Bethpage Library.
Everyone was playing games already, so I just jumped into a party game called In Kahoots.
It was fun. Party games are not really my thing, but it served it’s purpose. It gave us some good laughs and some super intelligent clues give by players that led to immense confusion by the guessing player.
I ended up doing ok, even though personally, I think I’m terrible at party games.
Check it out if you are considering a party game.
We’d love to hear your story about In Kahoots or any other game. Fill out our simple survey HERE.
I give In Kahoots, don’t go over Six guesses or you may lose friends.
See you soon!
- Game Master Dave