“Making friends and uniting communities one library event at a time.”
Good day gamers,
- Started another Guelphs and Ghibellines game with my friend Anthony. I’m getting creamed this time.
- Playing some Strat-o-matic Baseball with Anthony too. Trying to do a short season with 1986 teams.
- My Dominions 5 7-Player Co-Op/Competitive game is advancing. Check out the videos on my YouTube Channel.
- Ginger and I finished reading The Martian book to each other, so then we watched the movie. Pretty good. Had fun.
- Took out Castle and Cathedral books from the library. These are by David Macaulay
India: I’m sure all of you have seen the latest news in India about the spread of Covid-19 there. Not only is there not enough vaccine, but they are low on oxygen for patients in the hospitals. Though the United States held the ‘distinction’ for a long time, this past week India broke the record for the number of reported Coronavirus cases in one day. And then the next day, they broke the record again. They are currently at over 300,000 new cases diagnosed each day. Right now the United States is hovering around 40,000 give or take 10,000. Take a look at this video and then save the web address. It is updated almost every day and I check it out all the time. It’s crazy, but informative. Anyhow, we pray for India to make it through this tough time. I’ve heard today that many nations are working out ideas on how to support India to include some potential aid from our own military.
Bethpage Library: Ginger and I just did an event on the Bethpage Library Zoom Room for Teen Night. We played Friday by Friedemann Friese. We only had one teenager show up, but we still had a great time. We will again meet on the Bethpage Library Zoom Room on the first Friday of May for anyone that is interested in joining us. The link to the Bethpage Library is here. You can check their events page for information and their Zoom Room link. You don’t need to live in Bethpage to come and join us. Please talk to your local libraries about running board game events in your town. Tell them about myself and Ginger doing this in Bethpage. In addition, we will be featuring some D&D nights later in the year. Stay tuned….
Thanks again for making it to another Game Master Dave’s Dispatch. Give yourself 100XP (any programmers out there want to help me track this XP? LOL) and until we meet again across the gaming table or internet, keep your dice dry, your calendars ready for future events and your libraries strong! Support your local libraries!
- Game Master Dave
Foxy Joan, “David dear, the Ginger has not been feeling well. Please attend to her distress. The sooner she gets better, the less observing I need to do on the little ones that you have brought into the house. I’m am preparing for FoxCon and the other members of the household are distracting my preparation for my FoxPanels.”
Lamby Pie, “Dude, thanks for the Saigon Cinnamon, it is yum…yu…y…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz”
Snuggle Bunny, “Isha good bunny, right Boo Boo? Foxy seems swessed out. I’she sick, Boo Boo?”
Chester, “Chester.”