Good day gamers,
Covid-19: Well, can’t get away with blogging without talking about the recent Covid-19 situation. Ginger and I were on a cruise last week and then we took a plane up from Florida. We are currently symptom free, but I guess still within the incubation period. I’ve been out shopping twice and noticed about 25% of the shelves were empty and no paper goods, which is pretty much everyone’s experience. Just want to state that at this point, according to John Hopkins Research Center over 214,000 people have been confirmed to have Covid-19 at some point, but also 83,000 of those had mild symptoms and have fully recovered. Of course, this is still a very dangerous situation and needs lots of attention. I will sent tidbits of information as I know them.
JoCo Cruise Part 3: The Cruise Ginger and I went on was the Jonathan Coulton Cruise as I have been talking about he last couple days. There are so many favorite parts of the cruise to describe, so I won’t try to do it in any sort of order. Today, I just want to mention that one of the biggest draws to going on the cruise for me, though I love Coulton’s music, was that the board gaming. They had a board game library on-board that was at least 300 games. You could borrow games easily from the library and play them in the big dining room area or take them up to the top deck and play by the bars and pools. You could even take the game back to your stateroom and just bring it back about six hours later. I played Wingspan twice, learned Fog of Love, did a Magic Draft, joined a Pathfinder Adventure Card Game in progress and more. It was great fun.
Hearts of Iron 4 Multiplayer: Last night, Bill, Steve and I all played Hearts of Iron multiplayer. If any of you want to join us in the future, please email me at dave@gamemastergames.com. We had a great time. Bill was the Soviet Union, I was the United Kingdom and Steve chose Mexico. Too funny. We only played from 1936 to 1938, so not too much happened, but stand by for more news about it.
Pylos: Last night, Ginger re-taught me Pylos. Since the last time we played we learned about a few mistakes we made. She completely destroyed me. I have got to figure out a better strategy for this game. 🙂 Pylos is made by Gigimic, who makes one of our favorite convention games Quoridor. If you have been on Long Island and saw Ginger and I at a convention, we have probably taught you Quoridor.
Over Coffee: While stores are closed, conventions are postponed, and people are feeling a bit ‘lonely’ during ‘self-quarantine’, Rich and I are running our gaming and pop culture talk show three times a week nice, bright and early at 6:30am on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Check us out on LITabletop Twitch. Don’t forget to ‘Follow’ and hit that notification bell so you know when we go online with Over Coffee and all our other great shows. I’ll be on tonight at 8pm with some HOI4!
Facebook LIVE: My Facebook LIVE show will be tonight at 10pm on the Game Master Games FB page, so come join us and chat it up!
Thanks for reading once again and until we meet next time over the internet, keep you mice dry, your keyboards ready, and your gaming communities strong (online)!
- Game Master Dave