Good day gamers,
Feedback: Please send me feedback about this blog. I’m working on figuring out Google Forms, so that feedback can be collected easier by you, but in the meantime send me a note at I would love your help in making this blog mean more to you. What kind of content are you interested in, so we can support local gaming together.
JoCo Cruise 6, Pokemon: So, on the JoCo Cruise they have something called Pokemon IRL (In Real Life). Several dozen volunteers agree to hide 3D printed Pokemon all over the ship, so that kids and adults can find them all week long. This was a lot of fun. My friend Anna signed up and several times during the week, we helped her hide some figurines. The sheer joy was great of seeing someone find the ones you hid or checking the spot later only to see your hidden Pokemon gone. People also posted a picture of where they found a Pokemon on the internal messaging service and it was cool to see all the unique locations people hid their little friends. I found this guy behind a book in the library…

Wingspan: Ginger and I played Wingspan last night with Foxy Joan and Foxy won by a bird food landslide. She had over 80 points and Ginger and I had around 60. Now, because Foxy Joan does not have opposable thumbs, she played the Automa cards. These are the cards you flip over if you are playing the solitaire version of the game. Good game, Foxy.
Food banks: In this crazy time we live in right now, there will be many charities that may become the ‘front line’ between survival and tragedy. John Oliver mentioned on his show the website Feeding He suggested, that if you are able, to donate to food banks in your local area. Your neighbors that are out of work, may have to resort to a local food bank at some point unless we get more assistance from our local and national governments. Check it out here.
Board Game Geek: I use the website Board Game Geek almost daily. It is a great site for all things board games. They also have forums, a store, how to play videos and more. I even linked the Wingspan page on this website when I referenced the game above. Check them out if you are unfamiliar with them. I’m even registered on there and keep track of the games I play. Find me at GMGDave.
Stay safe and keep that social distancing working by playing games online!
Give yourself 100 XP for reading and until we meet again across the internet, keep your mice dry, your keyboard ready, and your gaming communities strong!
- Game Master Dave