“Making friends and uniting communities one Wang Wang at a time.”
Good day gamers,
Welcome to another of Game Master Dave’s Semi-Daily Dispatch.
- Playing in a 7 Player Dominions Game against a bunch of AI nations.
- Playing our 3rd game of a Charterstone Campaign with five players later tonight.
- Was in a LIRetro meeting last night. We hope to announce some things soon.
- Over Coffee will be tomorrow morning on the LITabletop Twitch Channel, 6:30am. Link Here!
- Our friend has embroidered a Kraken key fob in honor of the JoCo Cruise. Picture below…

JoCo Virtual Cruise and Fancy Pants Parade: Ginger and I will be in the JoCo Virtual Cruise and Fancy Pants Parade tonight at 7:30pm EST. The Fancy Pants Parade started as a song by Jonathan Coulton when he challenged himself to write 52 songs in a year. Jonathan Coulton, known more often as JoCo is a musician/comedian and his music is quite unique in style. A fan following eventually ended up creating the JoCo Cruise where every year a Fancy Pants Parade occurred. This year, the JoCo Cruise if Virtual as well as the Fancy Pants Parade. Ginger and I submitted ten second videos and the show goes on tonight! Catch us shortly!! Or watch later on YouTube.
Link to Fancy Pants Parade is here.
YouTube Video of Fancy Pants performed by Jonathan Coulton is here.

Thanks for checking out another Game Master Dave Semi-Daily Dispatch. Give yourself 100 XP and until we meet again across the internet, keep your Pants Dry, your Fancy Ready and your Parades strong!!!!
- Game Master Dave