“Making friends and uniting communities one crown at a time.”
Played Kingdomino on 2023-11-04 https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/204583 #bggplay via @BoardGameGeek
Good day gamers,
Ginger and I had a great time at the Sayville Fan Fest yesterday. I’ll do an AAR on that soon.
I got a chance to teach Kingdomino to someone that was experienced with modern gaming, but just hadn’t tried out Kingdomino yet. Since he was alone, I jumped in for this quick game even though I was distracted sometimes by teaching other people.
It was a close game. I won with 45, but he ended up with 43. Fun.
If you haven’t tried Kingdomino yet, it’s a tile placement game with a few interesting mechanics. It’s on Board Game Arena, so you can try it there if you want or I hope I’ll see you soon, so I can teach you the game.
We’d love to hear about your experience with Kingdomino or any other games. Fill out our survey HERE.
I give Kingdomino Seven tiles of Forests.
See you soon!
- Game Master Dave