Good day gamers,
Letter Carriers: Thank you to everyone that mentioned something on my Facebook post and to my customers on my Letter Carrier route that thanked me for working during this global coronavirus situation. I appreciate it. Of course, we all know that the real heroes today are medical professionals, but so many people are still working in ‘essential industries’ and potentially risking their lives. This was given to me by a young lady yesterday and she said thank you and that this was a school project. Nice.

I see all these rainbows all over the place. Were these because of the online artist that teaches kids art? Don’t know, but they are pretty neat to see everywhere.

Long Island Tabletop: Rich and the team, including myself, are working hard to figure out all the operational plans to bring you an on-line virtual convention. Here is the Facebook Event Page. We have like 100 hours of programming on the weekend of April 17-19, all online! Very exciting. We hope other people play their online games that weekend too, even if they don’t stream. More details to follow! Watch Over Coffee and The Weekly Word on LITabletop for the most up to date information.
VASSAL: Got a chance to play my first game on VASSAL with my friend Anthony last night. We played ‘Assault on Sevastopol’ and I lost, but it was very close. It was the first time I played and I made some mistakes, but so did Anthony. It came down to the last turn. As the country is essentially still on lock down, check out other online gaming services, Steam,, Board Game, Roll20, Tabletop Simulator, Fantasy Grounds, and a lot more.
Breaking Bad: I finally finished Breaking Bad and am watching El Camino. No spoilers please.
Coronavirus: Hospitals in the NYC area are starting to get hit hard. I know a few people that work in the medical field and they are saying it’s getting very tough. Bless all medical professionals, civil servants, and volunteers. I heard of a guy who owns like five car dealerships and he is temporarily donating all his loaner cars to medical professionals, so that they don’t have to take public transportation. Amazing stuff. And there are millions of personal stories around the country. Reach out please, if you are in dire straits. Talk to family, friends, professionals or call 911. Stay safe. Stay sane. We love you.
Thanks for making to the end of another David’s Semi-Daily Dispatch. Give yourself 100 XP and until we meet again, across the internet, keep your mice dry, your keyboards ready and your gaming communities strong!
- Game Master Dave