Good day gamers,
LITT: Here we are…on the precipice of The Long Island Tabletop Virtual Gaming Expo!!! Come play games with us this weekend! Register, Play or just watch! Or just play games on your own and let us know!
Check out the schedule and register here!!!
I’ll be on the Over Coffee events, I’ll be streaming something in the middle of the night, I’ll be on the YouTube Opening Ceremonies and I’l be running Diplomacy on Saturday!
Don’t miss out!
Board Game Arena: Got a chance to play some games with four other friends on Board Game Arena. Too much fun. We played two games of Sushi Go and one game of 7 Wonders. We chatted with each other on a Discord server. It was the first time I’ve played either of those games on BGA and my first time playing with five people on BGA. Great stuff. The interface and the interactions were a blast. I hope to do this again soon.
Board Game Arena is here.

Friends: Just wanted to give a big thanks to my friends. In the last month of this pandemic, I’ve gotten a chance to play a bunch of games online with many different friends. The platforms I’ve used have been Steam, Vassal, Board Game Arena, Boardgaming-online, Roll20, Facebook, Discord, Slack, email, text and the good old telephone. It’s important to have friends. Many people are suffering during this time of isolation and loneliness. Make sure you reach out to your friends. You just don’t know what that contact means at a time like this. And if you need tissue paper make sure you let someone know. 🙂 Thank you, to all my friends.
More soon…
Thanks once again for making it to the end of another Semi-daily blog by me, Game Master Dave. Give yourself 100 XP!
And until we meet again, across the internet, keep your mice dry, your keyboards ready and your gaming communities strong!
- Game Master Dave