Good day gamers,

I believe I have fixed the comments below. Please leave a comment as a test. I am not very proficient with Word Press, which I’m using to write this blog, but I’ll keep watching YouTube videos to ‘upgrade’ myself.

LIVTT: The Long Island Virtual Tabletop Gaming Expo, if you haven’t heard yet, has been established since the convention of April 18th has been postponed until November. We will now be playing games online from the evening if April 17th until Sunday, April 19th. Check it out here! Register for events here!

Covid: Below is a tough chart. Only view if you want to. I’ve been keeping my own statistics that I have gathered from the John Hopkins University site. What is nuts is that each number on here is a family member, a co-worker or a friend of someone. I know some people that have been infected and I’m still out there roaming around with the Post Office. Crazy. Send us your stories and permission to post and I’ll put them on this blog. (And if anyone knows in Word Press how to make my email address a link that will bring you to your email service, please let me know.)

Bethpage Library: The Bethpage Library is closed, but they do offer audio books through the service Libby. I listen on my phone. You can use your library card at your local library to probably do the same. Last night Ginger, Shazia and I experimented with doing our monthly Board Gaming Night at the Library virtually. It worked out pretty good. We demonstrated Spoons and Splendor and we probably had at least ten people that checked us out. As of now, we will probably do a similar thing on the 1st Friday in May, but stay tuned for details.

GTKD (Get to know Dave): I thought I would try this segment out, so that my readers can get to know me a little better. Each time I do this segment, I’ll choose an event from my past that either you might find surprising or it may be helpful to see where I came from and how I got to where I am today. Today, I would like to talk about Stratego. When I was a kid, I loved Stratego and I was pretty good at it too. When I was about ten I kept track of my win/loss record on the inside cover of the game. At one point I was somewhere around 20 wins and no losses. My friends stopped playing with me. 🙂 Then one day, while at church waiting around for an event to happen, I played a 16 year old boy who was also waiting around. (I was the son of a Christian educator, so I was always at church very early and was then always the last to leave too.) He trounced me. I wrote on the inside cover of my Stratego game box my first loss. I don’t think I kept track of win/losses after that. 🙂

Thank you for checking in and reading my semi-daily blog. Give yourself 100XP and until we meet again across the internet, keep your mice dry, your keyboards ready and your gaming communities strong!

  • Game Master Dave
