“Making friends and uniting communities one game convention at a time.”
Good day gamers,
Wow! The Long Island Tabletop Gaming Expo of 2022 on April 9 was fantastic! I’ll talk about it much more in just a second. Here are some other things going on:
- Ginger and I are teaching King of Tokyo at the Bethpage Library for Teen Board Game Night. Super excited to play some Monster Yahtzee!
- I’m writing a few papers this week for my Empire State College class Warfare in the Western World. I’m reading a lot of about General McClellan. It has changed my perspective on his quite a lot.
- I played a Jours de Glorie 1815 game with my friend Anthony. Interesting system. It’s sort of like a ‘light Great Battles of the American Civil War’ series.
- I’m also still playing two Dominions 5 games on Steam, a Badges of Courage Gettysburg game on Vassal, Strat-o-matic Baseball League, and Kernstown scenario with GBACW.
Now onto the craziness that was the LITGE 2022!!!

Huge success!
Me, Ginger, and about twelve volunteers knocked the board game section out of the park!
In about eleven hours, including tournaments, we ran more than 600 players through more than 200 board games!
There are so many great things to talk about…
- My volunteers, both the Game Masters and the Board Game Admin people were absolutely amazing.
- Ginger, who’s feet hurt, ended up manning the admin tables and teaching several dozen games to people was a super trooper!
- Matt came with his Crokinole and Heroscape board and was joined by Marc and David from a local Crokinole league. The Crokinole boards were played all day long!
- Andrew with Blood on the Clocktower did a great job and all his games were packed.
- John ran the tournaments on the 3rd floor with enthusiasm and grace, since we were not as prepared for the tournaments as we wanted to be. We learned a lot and we will be even better for next year.
- Kris, Jason, Anthony, and Garrett who were our saviors at the admin table.
- All my other Game Masters that did a fantastic job.
- And all the amazing guests that were patient with me. At one point I was teaching Catan, Ticket to Ride, Betrayal at House on the Hill, Wingspan, recording all the games going on, and answering questions. I was a bit flustered a bit sweaty. LOL
- Jesse with his support and setting up the museum.
- And to everyone else that participated and helped out.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Here are some pictures to enjoy:

Thanks again!
See you soon!
- Game Master Dave