“Making friends and uniting communities one game convention at a time.”
Good day gamers,
- There is no Bethpage Library Board Gaming event this coming Friday night. It has been reshceduled for Friday, March 18.
- Ukraine’s President has called for volunteers from other countries to come and join the defense of Ukraine saying to contact the Ukrainian Consulate in your home country. Wow!!!
- I’m playing the old Avalon Hill’s Advanced Civilization on-line with some friends. The interface is pretty good. I’m currently in 2nd place behind Will. Check out the website here.
- I’ve still got my two Dominions 5 games going on. I’d love to hear what you would also like to see my stream.
- I recorded a short story a friend of mine wrote. I hope to bring the audio out to you soon.
The Long Island Tabletop Gaming Expo will be on Saturday, April 9, 2022, at the Cradle of Aviation Museum.
Ginger and I will be there running board games all day long, but here are some differences from 2019, the last time we had an event there.
- There will be some board game tournaments. Catan, Uno, Battleship, and Clue.
- Board Games are on the second floor this year.
- This will specifically be a Tabletop event. There are lots of RPGs and Board Games to choose from, but there will be some video games stuff there too and lots of vendors.
- Most of the schedule is LIVE on the website and app. LITabletop
- My Board Game Schedule is basically complete. See picture below.
- You can get tickets now on the website.
- This is just a one day event this year, but will most likely grow over the next couple years.
- Your entry into the event also lets you check out the cool Cradle of Aviation Museum.
Board Game Schedule:

See you soon!
- Game Master Dave