Good day gamers,
- Incredible Mets/Yankee games all weekend long.
- Did I hear correctly that Trump asked for Gov. Cuomo to be arrested?
- I’m interviewing my Mom and recording some of her memories. We are up to grade school. Got a bit to go… LOL
- I saw a deer on my postal route.

- Friday night, Bethpage Library Zoom, Ginger and I are demoing Clank! Link here.
- Did some yard work with Ginger.
- Come play Dominions 5 with us! Or EVE Online!
- Or book me to play a game or teach you a game for just $5.
- Great discussion this morning on Over Coffee about Low/High Magic RPG campaigns. Link here.
Lost Mine of Phandelver, GM/DM Tips: So, I mentioned before that I’m reading the module that comes in the D&D 5th Edition starter set, Lost Mine of Phandelver. Our first session is this Thursday. What I read in the introduction is some great Game Master/Dungeon Master tips that come straight from Wizards of the Coast. I think these are great and could be helpful to you if you are a beginner or experienced player. Here they are:
“As the Dungeon Master, you are the final authority when it comes to rules questions or disputes during the game. here are some guidelines to help you arbitrate issues as they come up.”
- When in doubt, make it up!
- It’s not a competition between the DM and the Players.
- It’s a shared story. Let the players participate in the storytelling.
- Be consistent. If you play a rule one way, play it that way all the time.
- Make sure everyone is involved. Give everyone an opportunity to ‘shine’ and make decisions or present ideas.
- Be fair. Treat the rules and the players in a fair and impartial manner.
- Pay attention. Watch the players and their ‘fun level’. If things are slowing down it might be time for a break or maybe to ‘spice’ things up.
I paraphrased some above, but I think this is all important.
What do you think about the list above? Email me at
Thanks for making to the end of another Dave’s Semi-Daily Dispatch. Give yourself 100 XP and until we meet again across the internet, keep your character record sheets dry, your dice ready and your Dungeon Master skills strong!
- Game Master Dave
Foxy, “David Dear, Moose are not very nice. Please be careful out there at your employment. Let me know if you run into any more misbehaving canines or unleashed humans.”
Lambie, “The Ginger is eating most of the choco. Dude, where did you put the mallows? I bet you didn’t know that on the Led Zeppelin tour in France I ran a one-shot D&D event for the boys. Jimmie Page played this hipster Rogue. John Bonham, rest his soul, played a kicking Barbarian.”