Good day gamers,
Just a quick note to mention that today is Memorial Day. As a veteran and having many family members serve in the military, it’s a time for me for reflection and gratitude.
Thank you to those that served and gave their lives for the ideals of this great country. Thank you too, to the families, the friends, the fellow service members that also lost and sacrificed.
I play a lot of wargames and sometimes I look at the numbers of soldiers involved and watch the charts and graphs of casualties in the game. It makes me forget sometimes that behind every statistic is a story, a history, a family member of friend. Looking at real numbers of those that we have lost can be overwhelming.
For this Memorial Day, let’s remember the stories, the history and the good times we had with our family members or friends who were service members. Let’s remember them as they were. Let’s remember them as if they were with us here, today. Let’s remember.
Thank you,
- Game Master Dave, SGT, United States Army