Good day gamers,
- Played Civilization VI yesterday for the first time.
- Had someone in the house for the first time in a year and a half to play games. We played Agricola, Ingenious, Wingspan and 3x Silver and Gold. Good times.
- Wow…Wingspan is rated on Board Game Geek out of 100,000+ games: Overall/20, Strategy/22, Family/1.
- Had a four day weekend off and spent the first two days visiting my Mom in New Jersey.
- My Mom called me last night and thanked me for my military service and then she remembered all of the fallen soldiers that brought us our freedom.
Memorial Day, 2021: “Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. Many Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials, holding family gatherings and participating in parades. Unofficially, it marks the beginning of the summer season.” – From History.com.
Even though I’m a veteran, I don’t know anyone personally that has been lost in warfare. I do have a lot of family members and friends that are veterans. However, as a veteran, it is a good time to reflect and remember the sacrifices of soldiers and families at this time. Let’s take a moment today, to say, “Thank you”. Raise or plant a flag if you are able. Literally or figuratively salute those that have been lost and sacrificed. Be quiet and think. Then after, let’s celebrate the life and freedoms we do have. Thank you.
As an additional note, I usually see at this time and at Veterans Day volunteers and military personnel putting flags on all the graves at Arlington National Cemetery and other memorial places. This is an amazing amount of work and is also very special. Thank you to all of those that do this. It has been noticed.
Have a great Memorial Day and we hope to see you soon this Summer and Fall.
- Game Master Dave