“Making friends and uniting communities one moment of silence at a time.”
Good day gamers,
- Played a big game of 4th Edition Twilight Imperium yesterday with seven players total. It took us 9 hours and we didn’t finish. Crazy. I was the first to take Mecatol Rex due to a secret objective card. We played with the Kings expansion. Send me your favorite Twilight Imperium story and give me permission to publish it. 🙂 Dave@GameMasterGames.com
- Starting playing a Down in Flames campaign. My friend Anthony taught me this game. It’s quite interesting. It’s a fast, strategic, almost rock, paper, scissors type of fighter combat games, but it has a cool campaign system.
- Ginger and I planted two trees in our backyard this weekend.
- Ginger is at a wedding today, on Memorial Day. The weather turned out nice for it.
Good day gamers,
It’s Memorial Day. I was reflecting on today, especially because I’m a veteran. If we can, we should just take a moment to think about all the ones that gave the ultimate sacrifice during our nation’s conflicts. We should also remember the sacrifices of the families, the grief, the unrealized goals and opportunities, the cost of money and material that were spent in order for us to have the blessings and the freedom we do have now.
This is particularly poignant for me, not because I have any close friends or family members that died in the service of their country, but because I’m an avid historical wargamer. Almost every week, I move around cardboard tokens representing men in formations, vehicles, equipment, planes, or ships. These little pieces I hold in tips of my fingers represents hundreds or thousands of men that actually existed, each with their own stories, families, childhoods, time spent in education, and their energy, blood, sweat, and even tears. For me it’s just a gentle push into combat and then I roll some dice or flip a card. For the ones that were actually there, they lived in hell for a time and some of them did not return home.
I hope you did enjoy a barbecue, the outdoors, a game, or some time with family of friends. The time you spent today that was enjoyable is because of all the sacrifices of those that came before you. Just take a moment to remember that.
With thanks and honor, we remember on this Memorial Day.
And if you are working today, thank you too, for having to help out our economy and the needs of others on this holiday.
- Game Master Dave