“Making friends and uniting communities one scholarly paper at a time.”

Good day gamers,

Lots going on as usual and I thought I would share some what my semester research paper is going to be about from Empire State College.

  • Started talking to Sayville Library about helping them out with an event on November 6th. No contract yet, but excited if we can help out.
  • Dates for OctaCon are finalized. It will be held on October 23 and 24. Now, because of the Delta Variant of Covid-19, there may be limited in-person events. We might be doing some ‘hybrid’ with some in-person and some on-line events. Stay tuned for more info.
  • I’m looking for help with FaTDoG and also a location. We might hold an event on that Sunday instead of on Friday. That is one of the ideas that is being bantered around.
  • This Friday, Ginger and I will once again be with the Bethpage Library running a board game on their Zoom Room! 6:30pm. Meeting ID: 857 2920 9744 Passcode: 808674
  • Been playing Dominions 5 as Early Age Abyssia, but not streaming.
  • Been playing some Hearts of Iron IV too and streaming it. Check it out on my Twitch Channel here.

Modern American History Research Topic: At the end of my first week of classes for my Modern American History class at Empire State College I needed to find a research topic for the entire semester. Luckily, we were allowed to choose any topic. I thought about writing something about tanks in World War II, but decided on the below instead.

“The Milton Bradley Company published more than 400 board games during its 124-year history.  These games, as well as the company’s support for educational products, foundationally changed how Americans spent their leisure time in the 20th Century.  What was the cause of the demand for board games in America during that time?  Why was the Milton Bradley Company so successful to supply that demand?”

As I’m doing research, I may need to change my thesis statement a bit, but this should truly be an interesting adventure in writing. I’m looking forward to finishing it and sharing it.

Thank you once again for reading another Game Master Dave’s Dispatch! Give yourself 100XP and until we meet again, across the internet, keep your books dry, your printer ready and your writing ideas strong!

  • Game Master Dave

Foxy Joan, “David dear, the sunlight apparatus you have purchased is sufficient for your reading, but please try to limit it’s use during the darker moon traveling. Foxes, as you must now by now, even though you are a male human, are nocturnal hunters. The light is degenerating my evening eyesight. Thank you.”

Lamby Pie, “Dude, those salted roasted peanuts have got to go, bro! Half are burnt, half are too small, and half are like gross. Dumpy dumpy. Get the unsalted ones man. Oh….guess I forgot to ask…can I have some?”

Snuggle Bunny, “Boo Boo, Mama said I left lint in the living room. It wasn’t me Boo Boo. It was Beary. Beary is a baby beary. He needs a dipper.” Game Master Dave, “Do you mean a diaper?” “That is what I said, Boo Boo, a dipper.”

Chester, “Chester.”
