“Making friend and uniting communities one convention at a time.”

Good day gamers,
Wow! Too much fun was had at OctaCon.
If you were not able to attend, just know we have lots of other great events coming up and we hope you can join us soon.
We experimented with a ‘Hybrid’ convention style, which means that some games happened in-person at The Bethpage Library and some games happened online. It was a bit of coordination to figure this all out and the Bethpage Library did a great job with registration and advertising and handling the logistics.
The event ended being a huge success!
I want to thank my game masters, the attendees, the library employees, my wife, Ginger, who helped out when I wasn’t available, and everyone who took a chance to try out gaming again after all this time of not seeing each other.
The gaming community is truly a wonderful group of people.
We couldn’t have done this event without all of you.
Here are some highlights:
- More than 30 people attended in person and online
- 25 different games were played
- For a total of 83 seats being occupied for the games, obviously some people played more than one game
- At least five people learned that the Bethpage Library has a board game collection you can take out
- At least ten people learned a new game they never played before
- At least fifteen people learned about the Sayville Library event in November, the Doctor Who Convention in November and LITabletop Convention in April.
- I learned how to play two new games.
Thank you to everyone that attended, played games, and gave me some feedback.
You are all the best!
See you soon!
- Game Master Dave