“Making friends and uniting communities one gaming convention at a time.”
Good day gamers,
- Still playing my two Dominions 5 games, both with the Pythium civilization. Check out my YouTube videos here and send me any questions about the game or campaign.
- Stellaris is FREE on Steam to play this weekend. Check it out and send me questions. It’s one of my top ten favorite PC games.
- I’m also playing the old Advanced Civilization online, Railways of the World on Board Game Arena, Strat-o-matic Baseball, Dead of Winter on Vassal, and Badges of Courage on Vassal. I’m having too much fun.
- The next Board Game Night at the Bethpage Library is June 3, 2022, 6:30pm. Come play some board games with us. It’s FREE!
- Doing some yardwork today cleaning up some old boards in the backyard.
- Our friend Will has launched a new Event Website called The Game Map. Check it out here.
OctaCon 2022, October 15-16. We have finalized the dates for our OctaCon mini-gaming convention at the Bethpage Library. Before the pandemic, we had over 200 guests come through on the weekend with over 40 different games played. Most were board games, but we had some RPGs and Miniature Games too. I’ll be building the schedule soon and I’ll send out my feelers for people to run some games.
Thanks for checking out another Game Master Dave’s Dispatch. Give yourself 100 XP and until we meet again across the internet, keep your dice dry, your rulebooks ready and your meeples strong!!!
See you soon,
- Game Master Dave
Foxy Joan, “David, working outside means you need to hydrate, not drink Diet Coke.”
Lamby Pie, “Dude, that was some termite colony you found on those old boards. They ran like mad in the light of day. And…when the brussels sprouts are ready in the garden, I’ll be a hungry!!!”
SB, “Boo boo, Mama got the wrong nana’s again.”
Chester, “Chester. Woof Woof.”