Played Panzer: The Game of Small Unit Actions and Combined Arms Operations on the Eastern Front 1943-45 today #bggplay via
“Making friends and uniting communities one knocked out tank at a time.”
Good day gamers,
Just finished a game of Panzer on Vassal. Panzer is a 2012 remake of several older tank games like Panzer Leader. Here are some observations in no particular order:
- It was interesting as I like moving tanks around and blowing stuff up.
- It has a basic game and an advanced version, which gets very advanced. The rulebook goes from 21 pages for the basic game to over 60 pages for the advanced game rules.
- Many factors are taking into affect and there are vehicle cards for each different type.
- These factors include range, type of ammo, angle of attack, armor on that side of the tank, whether the target is moving, terrain, whether a tank is damaged, the type of order it has, and more. Once you figure out all the modifiers to firing, you roll a d100 and consult a chart.
- Before you can fire at a target it must be spotted and there is another chart with modifiers for this as well.
- Once you hit, you have to see if you penetrate the armor and if you do, depending on how much you penetrated, you will see what effect you have on the target.
- Infantry, anti-tank guns, lighter vehicles, and planes are all added to scenarios.
Honestly, I think I would rather play Squad Leader, but the game still has lots of lots of armor, which I do like, as I was a tanker myself. My dream retirement job, I think, is to work at the Armor Museum here on Long Island.
I give Panzer ‘Seven’ hexes in range is short range for the Panzer Mark IV.
We’d love to hear about your experience with World War II wargames or any other game. Fill out our survey HERE.
See you soon!
- Game Master Dave