“Making friends and uniting communities one Tweet at a time.”
Good day gamers,
- Have a 3-day weekend off! This rarely happens. Cleaning, streaming, yard work and more…
- Our 7-Player Dominions 5 game is starting to get exciting! Some players have found some big AI nations. Let the game begin! Come watch me LIVE on Twitch at random times this weekend.
- Planted some Hosta in the front yard, but some of them died in the cold nights. I guess I have a light blue thumb instead of green one.
- JoCo Cruise was awesome. Ginger and I were not in the Fancy Pants Parade and this is not a LINK to the video. 🙂
Political? Help me out. Send me some feedback. Dave@GameMasterGames.com I have some strong feelings sometimes about politics, but I don’t want to alienate anyone from reading these posts. I want to support gaming. If I just talk about gaming here on this blog, then won’t it be a better and more welcoming space? Isn’t that the objective? Shouldn’t I just talk about games here? But there are potentially lots of subject matter that gamers may want to talk about. So, I’ve come up with a few ideas…. 1) Make another website? There are operational issues with that. 2) Just post on other chat rooms and social media about political news and my feelings about it? 3) Create another page on my website and label it ‘Politics’ or something, so that it’s clear that if you don’t want to talk politics, don’t click on that page? I’m open for your opinion about one of these choices or another one that you might have.
Cancelling? Jon, Rich, Doug and myself had a good chat this morning on Over Coffee talking about Cancelling. It’s a potentially hot topic and could turn people away or they may misinterpret what you mean, could lead to you being cancelled. This leads to a ‘fear’ of even posting anything in the first place. Social Media can be very useful and at the same time can be amazingly damaging. Has social media taken over our society? Some people say it has. The discussion started this morning because Jon introduced a video by Lindsey Ellis. In this video, she talks about how she got ‘cancelled’ for what she felt was a non-critical post she made on a whim after watching a video. She also talks about how social media companies aren’t necessarily growing in number of users over the last several years, so they promote fast, quick engagement of their current user base to keep them involved. This results in a ‘villain of the day’ syndrome, where the platform will promote, circulate and highlight posts that are potentially controversial using their algorithms. Therefore, after many negative posts about her posting, Lindsey ended up deleting her account on Twitter. Check out our discussion, if interested. Give a follow if you want to get notified the next time the Long Island Tabletop Streaming Network has a show.
Thank you for making it to the end of another Game Master Dave’s Semi-Daily Dispatch. Give yourself 100XP and until we meet again across the internet, keep you mice dry, your keyboards ready and your opinions strong!!!
- Game Master Dave
Foxy Joan, “David dear, please hire the blacksmith to make the tools to start the cathedral building in the backyard.” (See my Instagram and Twitter)
Lamby Pie, “Da cafe you drink for that show is the bomb. Coconut and Mocha. Yum, yum, yummy.”
Snuggle Bunny, “Boo boo, I smelled the choklat. Does it have sukar?”
Chester, “Chester.”