Good day gamers,
No Politics Here: Just so you know, I’m trying to stay away from politics on this blog. I’ve put a lot of thought into this and sometimes I really want to say something, but in my opinion, we get enough news and politics on other websites. If you feel differently and you think I should talk more about political topics, I would like to hear that. Please email me at Please note: I think it’s important that we all get involved, no matter what party you belong to. Please fill out your census. Please vote.
Purple Carrot: My wife Ginger is a vegan and we were looking at options to get deliveries to the house instead of going to the store at this time. We got Purple Carrot as a gift from my brother previously, so we re-activated our account and got our first three meals. One of them, Caribbean Sweet Potatoes with Coconut Rice & Mango Salsa, we made tonight and it was delicious! Purple Carrot is not cheap. It’s about $13 a person, per meal. However, all the meals come with great instructions, premium ingredients and don’t take long to prepare. I think it’s a good option. We will be making this dinner again.
Caribbean Sweet Potatoes from Purple Carrot
Hearts of Iron 4: Been playing in a campaign with my friends Bill and Steve. I have to remember to take screen shots in the future. I’ve also reconnected with my friend Greg, who I have played a lot of Close Combat with. I enjoy both games immensely. In our HOI4 game, Bill (Germany) forced Poland to choose between ‘Danzig or War’ and they gave up Danzig! I’ve never seen this before. Crazy. That was unexpected. We are looking for more players. Email me if interested in learning the game.

Podcasts: Been listening to a lot of podcasts recently. Finished an old 2009 D6 Generation episode today. Craig Gallant, one of the hosts, I went to college with. I also listened to Michael Moore’s Rumble. Some other podcasts I listen to include Lore, The Adventure Zone, Stuff You Should Know and plenty more. If you are interested in learning more about podcasts, let me know.
GTKD (Getting to know Dave): When I walk around putting mail in mailboxes as a Letter Carrier, I get a lot of time to think. Yesterday, when walking by a Father and Son playing on the front sidewalk of their house, a piece of the electric car the Son was driving fell off. I only saw this in my peripheral vision. My brain brought up an immediate memory of a toy I had when I was like seven years old. Please note: when I was a kid, I honestly thought I was going to grow up to be a junkyard owner. Old, beat up vehicles and demolition derbies fascinated me. The following video shows a toy I had in the 1970’s. Crazy how the brain works. I haven’t thought about this toy since the last time I played with it, but I loved this toy. Check it out here.
Thank you once again for reading my semi-daily blog. Give yourself 100 XP and until we meet again across the internet, keep your mice dry, your keyboards ready and your gaming communities strong!
- Game Master Dave