Good day gamers,
- June 18th is the Anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo
- June 19th is the nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States dating back to 1965.
- Played four games of 7 Wonders last night with friends on Board Game Arena
- Facebook LIVE last night was about one of Ginger’s favorite games, Mystic Vale
- Ginger has an interview today to be a contact tracer
Quite a Vacation: So, I took this week off from the Post Office to get a little hiking in, to help my Mom and work on a bunch of projects. The hiking portion of my vacation didn’t go as planned. While in Harriman State Park, I got a flat tire. Ginger and I said to each other, “Oh well, time to call AAA.” However, where we were, there was no cell reception, so I got out the tools and the spare donut and started changing the tire. A Park Ranger and later the Park Police stopped by to make sure we were ok. So, we ended up driving the rest of the way and back to my Mom’s house in NJ on the donut with limited issues. The hiking was great. I slept on a rock for an hour, did a bunch of exploring, saw an old mine and walked and talked with Ginger all day. We had a lot of fun. The plan was to also go out hiking the following day, but I needed to get my tire fixed. So, the following day, on my way to get my tire fixed, I hit a pot hole with the donut and bust that tire too. Ugh. I had to call AAA once again and learned that I could get the car towed back to Long Island with no extra charge, so we did that. Then Ginger picked me up with my Mom’s car and after spending a great afternoon with my Mother, we drove back to Long Island. Not exactly what was planned, but we are all safe and below are some great pictures. Oh…and if you don’t have roadside assistance with your insurance already, AAA is a GREAT program and you should get it.
What we saw when we napped on a rock. My Harriman flat.
Worldwide Coronavirus: The number of cases worldwide of confirmed coronavirus infections is increasing. As you have probably heard, about 20 states in the US have upward trends of confirmed cases as well. Check out this chart from John Hopkins Coronavirus Research Center for Worldwide Confirmed Cases as of 6/18/2020.

So, what can you do? Just don’t be part of the statistic. Wear a mask, stay six feet away from others and go out only when necessary. Our numbers are way down in NY, but people from other states will soon start to visit. Continue to stay strong, vigilant and safe. I don’t know what state it was in, but 16 people recently went out to a bar for a birthday celebration. Within five days, all 16 had Covid-19 symptoms. While at the bar, none of them wore a mask or practiced six foot distancing. The virus is still alive. Do what you need to do to keep you and your loved ones safe and it will help out everyone else.
The Adventure Challenge: Ginger and I make sure we have a couple date nights a week. We love Netflix, HBOGo, talking, playing a game and cooking Purple Carrot together. We used to love dining out or going to the movies. So, to add to the ‘date night’ possibilities, I went out and purchased The Adventure Challenge Book. It seems pretty cool. It has over 50 ‘dates’ in it and some are short and easy and others take a little bit of preparation and maybe even travel. For example, one ‘challenge’ is to bake a pie with one person being blindfolded and the other one giving directions. In order to do the challenge, you both pick the ‘date’ you want to do and then scratch off the silver box and the instructions are beneath. I specifically bought ‘The Couples Edition’, but there are other editions. I’ll keep you posted on how it goes.
Thank so much for reading another of Dave’s Semi-Daily Dispatches. Give yourself 100 XP. Until we meet again across the internet, keep your mice dry, your keyboards ready and your gaming communities strong!
- Game Master Dave