“Making friends and uniting communities teaching one game at a time.”
Good day gamers,
I must say that Sayville Fan Fest was a great success. Here are some observations in no particular order:
- We taught over 50 games to about 70 unique people. (Some people played multiple games)
- We had at least six families visit us and it was great to teach parents and their children games.
- Warhammer 40k was set up behind us and it looked like they had a bunch of people that checked it out.
- Many kudos to Ginger who taught and played games to multiple eight year old groups of children.
- Many kudos to Matt who brought a bunch of kid’s games and taught them too.
- Great to see Ken and Michelle from LIWho as well as seeing the Tardis set up.
- Had to try the bacon grilled cheese! Yum!
- We had at least ten people return from last year.
- I got a chance to teach Wingspan to four people that never played it.
- They had a great Lego set-up, a live orchestra, a comedy show, lots of vendors and more. I’ll share their websites and stuff when I get a chance.
- Some games were donated to Board Games for the Better, a charity organization to bring board games to troubled youth.
All in all, it was a great time!
We will compile all the information from yesterday’s event and send to the director at Sayville.
Below are some pictures to enjoy.
See you soon!
- Game Master Dave