Good day gamers,
Wow, this is great. I have another three day weekend. This is two weekends in a row and probably will never happen again. Due to scheduling, I got yesterday off, then off usually Sunday and of course off for Memorial Day tomorrow.
I have three Uncles that served in the military that are passed on, so I will be remembering them tomorrow and their families.
Scythe: Last year at FATDOG I won the board game Scythe in the gaming giveaway lottery. I just got a chance to open it up on date night last night. Ginger and I then had to learn how to play. My first impression is that it looks like a great game. Looking at Board Game Geek right now, it’s rated #11 game of all time at an 8.3. Wow. Incredible. Check it out here. Tell me what you think about Scythe in an email at
Unboxing of Scythe Ginger contemplating her next move.
Kobalt Lawn Mower: So, a couple years ago, I purchased a Kobalt electric lawn mower. I like it a lot, but due to a few issues, I find myself left with one under-powered battery. I charge it up, go cut the lawn for 20 minutes, then have to recharge it and then repeat. A little annoying. I bought a new battery from Lowe’s, but it doesn’t work in the mower. Ugh. I like the electric cordless lawnmower, but if you have any experience with this, let me know. Going grass crazy over here! 🙂
Sweetheart: So, Ginger hands me a note the other night that says ‘Sweetheart’. I am initially like, ‘Thanks for the note? I’m glad I’m your sweetheart, but what does this mean?’ She tells me to go to Netflix, search for Sweetheart and watch it. Apparently, Ginger saw a review on-line about this movie. It is not Ginger friendly, but she thought I might like it. I watched it. It was pretty good. Reminded me of Lost, Twilight Zone and that Tom Hank’s movie Cast Away. Pretty neat. If you do want to watch it, don’t watch a trailer. Ginger says there is no point in watching the movie if you watch the trailer. I’m not providing a link, so that you are surprised when you see it. 🙂
At the grocery store yesterday, I saw this…

On my route this week, I saw this…
Flowers on my route.
Would love any feedback, ideas, suggestions or what is your favorite part of Dave’s Semi-Daily Dispatch.
Thanks for much for reading again to the end. Give yourself 100 XP and until we meet again across the internet, keep your mouse dry, your keyboards ready and flags flown high for Memorial Day.
- Game Master Dave